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Englisch Version:

A terrace – a place joining the garden with the stable construction of the house, connected with the architecture and the block of the building, partly belongs to the interior. It is also a component of the garden. This is a place of rest associated with harmony, beauty and peace – integrating the space of the house with the garden. It is situated in contact with three territories for which the architect of the house and the architect of the interior and the architect of the greens are responsible. While planning such a terrace one needs to make it basing on the materials of high quality just like the ones we used to build our house. Terraces that are mainly built from the south – west side should be made not only from moisture – proof (rain and snow) materials but also discoloration – proof materials caused by UV radiation. It is important not to maintain them all the time and their anti – sliding surface should not stratify and rot. Such a proved system of terrace profiles with many years’ warranty is offered under the brand name Terrafina by Moller firm .




Michał Okręglicki. Copyright © 2007. Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone. www.axroom.prv.pl